Natal Saturn Trine Uranus

Recent: 1971-74, 2002-04, 2016-18. Next: 2047.

You are a patient person yet incredibly agile. You can adapt to seemingly stable situations and to chaotic ones. Your adaptability is what brings you the endurance and persistence to succeed. You are good at managing your Uranian hyperactive curiosity by directing all that concentrated energy into productive things. You are clear and precise in your thinking, so you make the best decisions without doubts or regrets. You can easily form opinions and convey them to others without leaving much room for misinterpretation, which gets better with age. You are an earnest person, since you take responsibilities seriously. 

You like to spend your time learning and experimenting with new & old ideas, trying to be more efficient in everything you do. You are a great visionary, but it’s not always about your goals & ambitions alone since you also think about the betterment of others. You are a born leader, and you can work well with others. Your ingenuity coupled with modesty allows you to work your way up the ladder. You have excellent people skills especially in professional settings. You do well in authoritative positions. Your work ethic and innovative yet traditional take on professionalism earns you great respect & admiration from those around you.

You are freedom oriented but also won’t mind belonging to groups & organizations. You can always find a way to establish your independence in any field of work all while respecting its rules. Your life is often surrounded by sudden changes and unpredictability, yet you don’t always seem bothered, genuinely. You are focused on the solution rather than on the problem, no matter how big or small, which makes you an excellent problem solver. You can also understand patterns and decode complexities. Your accomplishments will bring you many supporters, making you quite influential. You will also be sought after for your expertise and guidance. Whether you realize it or not, you are making subtle yet significant changes in both yours and others’ life, as part of the beauty of this aspect. Your stern decisiveness, passionate yet patient attitude, graceful demeanor, intense work-ethic, serious moral standards, self-discipline, and numerous achievements will bring you honor, power, prosperity and admiration with time.

Natal Saturn Opposite Uranus

Occurs every 45+ years. Next: 1963-68, 2007-11.  Next: 2056.

Saturn’s traditional values and Uranus’s idealism clash often with this aspect. You are courageous, talented and ambitious. You can focus your attention & creativity into productive things. You like to explore the patterns and intricacies of everyone & everything around you, but often times you might forget that you are here as well, hence failing to introspect. You respect individuality but also might have the tendency to criticize others for their choices. You have high moral standards which guide you and help you achieve incredible things, but other times these same high moral standards can prompt you to moral police others, be it for any socio-political issues (or, vice versa, where others often tend to do this to you). 

You have an inner tension of what’s right and what’s wrong. Sometimes you might confuse old & enduring rules as the obvious right guideline to live by, simultaneously dismissing new & improvised ways of being as “conspiracy” or “on the lines of blasphemy”. Your unfiltered opinions and ideas may have landed you in deep trouble often times. But, with time and maturity, you might have realized that some of your views were too hurtful or misleading and the severity of the damage they may have caused. Patience and discernment are the most painful yet powerful lessons that you had to learn. Your ingenuity and uniqueness are not just things that set you apart but also qualities that add color to the world. So, if you ever suspected during your introspection sessions, that you might not have been open to accepting others’ individuality or opinions due to your own fear of being rejected for the same reasons, you might have finally realized what was causing a mental block in you. 

You might have a beginner's problems with adjusting to innovative technologies or new ways of thinking, etc. But you might also come to discover your love for such genius inventions and opinions. You might not always want to be compared or criticized by others so you often choose unique professions which can give you the respect and freedom to express your individuality. So, you might also not work well with others at first, but slowly warm up to them as time goes by. Your biggest challenges, patience and tolerance, can also be your superpowers whereas you mature, you can adapt well to the changes in your life, respect others for who they are & expect the same in return, be more accepting of criticism & learn how to deflect attacks by opposition, etc. You have big ambitions and even bigger visions, but through your life experiences, you might have had the extra insight to tweak a few plans here and there to make them even more perfect. With maturity, self-control and persistence, you will be able to make incredible achievements, gain admiration, respect, & honor.

Personal freedom drives you passionately towards things that give you a sense of independence, be it hobbies, studies, cultures, adventures or even spirituality. This aspect gives a strong intuition not just in terms of gut-instincts but in terms of intelligence and innovative mindset. So, you are likely to research in topics related to science, mathematics, arts, law, philosophy, history, ethics, technology, etc., and may be even stumble upon an invention/discovery or two. 

You often see sudden increases in your material situations (& loses) which seem to happen out-of-the-blue. You might even develop a keen sense of financial management with this aspect helping you research and dive deep into educating yourself on more ways to make money or smart budgeting, etc. Gambling, risky investments, get-rich-quick schemes, etc. can be quite tempting. It is important however to not rely solely on your luck to save you, since you could easily lose as quickly as you gain if you are not being practical. 

You are an enthusiastic person, which might make you prone to risk-taking behaviors, sudden trips and fun-filled adventures that make you feel life in exciting ways. You are blessed with friends who are like-minded and resourceful. You can even make influential connections with people/associates who can help you attain more professional success. Your ideologies and futuristic visions are exemplary and can catch the attention of others easily. You are influential whenever you are expressing yourself authentically and showcasing your knowledge & skills unapologetically, making you quite popular. 

Your independence is of the utmost importance to you, but your eccentric personality can make you unpredictable and unreliable. Such unconventional behaviors & devil-may-care attitude can put you in hot water with elders/authorities. Blending genius with your own set of moral code and eccentricity with reliability will bring you immense success and a solid reputation even with occasional criticism. 

Natal Saturn Sextile Uranus

Recent: 1996-97. Next: 2025-26; 2038-39.

This aspect gives you the best of both worlds, Saturn’s patience with Uranus’s insane curiosity. You have practical ways of implementing unconventional ideas. You have an extraordinary ability to simplify complicated things/patterns, which makes you a gifted problem solver. You know how to break down intricate patterns to its primary elements and rebuilt them in new ways. Your intelligence is sharp and ever evolving. You have a probing mind that allows you to research and dig deep into things that interest you. You value your intellectual capabilities and are always finding interesting new ways to keep yourself intellectually entertained & satisfied. 

You are also gifted in turning things that are old & traditional into new & innovative. Since you are able to find value in the old and add it to the new. You are methodical & logical, so it’s not easy to trick you in anyway, if anything, this aspect can strengthen any weak Neptunian (or other similar) aspects in the chart which can otherwise leave you vulnerable to deceit & lack of self-confidence. You have a good hold over your emotions since you see everything through the lens of logic. You might even seem to be too realistic, but you are also quite imaginative. You might have creative & artistic talents that you can use in your career/projects. 

With this aspect, you can become a master at blending the old with the new, intellect with art and realism with futurism. You have a unique perspective on life, and it reflects in your flighty yet reliable personality. Your charisma and mature demeanor have the ability to draw in people easily. They may be intimidated by you at first, but they also look up to you as a mentor/leader, this could be the reason why most people in your life seek your advice & guidance actively. You are calm & collected and are able to ride the wave of change, giving you great adaptability. You don’t mind being the rebel and changing rules in accordance with the changing times. You value stability yet are actively changing anything that is stagnant. 

Your work ethic blends well with your need for excitement and experimentation, earning you a reputable position in your profession and society. You crave excitement and security at the same time, this could make it harder for you to settle down at a young age, but with time you will be able to make serious commitments without feeling tied down. You are well-grounded even when others think that you’re unpredictable. Your vision for the future is idealistic and has practical means as its foundation. Your contribution to the world is immense and always appreciated by others. This aspect will reward your self-less yet discerning efforts with blessings & insights by directing you towards your destined path to success & fulfilment.  

Natal Saturn Square Uranus

Recent: 1998-2001, 2021-22. Next: 2043.

You are extremely independent, yet you are also a team player. You love to live life in a structured and orderly manner, yet you will never sacrifice your independence & get consumed by such systems. So, you always give yourself the space to develop and improve, thereby respecting your individuality. You are a walking contradiction, not in the way where you don’t follow what you preach, but more in the way that you can’t stick to traditions that you admire for longer periods of time due to the continual phases of self-evolution (by will or by sudden change of events). There always seems to be an inner tension about what you want in life and what is right for your higher purpose. You might battle over “what true independence means” and simultaneously “why structure & rules are equally important”. You might however realize that no amount of brainstorming or even introspection would ever give a definitive answer to such questions. This can prompt you to voice some controversial opinions, whether you truly believe in them or not, consequently dividing the opinions of others on you.

You’re mature & open-minded. You often wish to break free from any labels or titles. You wander in search of openness and acceptance then rigidity and disapproval, then walk full circle and come back to where you started. There is a strong aversion from facing facts, so you tend to side with either of the far extremes, since you’re used to seeing the world in either black or white, good or bad. So, finding the mid-wavelength of colors will be your life’s biggest challenge. There needs to be a regulating factor in your life, as a hobby, career, mentor, friends circle, family, etc. whose presence alone can help you ground yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts. You are responsible, reliable and genuinely talented. You’re respected and admired by many people, yet you might not understand the extent of your reach & influence on others. So not just your actions, but also your words need to be firm, authoritative, well phrased & clear in intentions. Since, you might have noticed how others often misinterpret what you say. 

Keeping up with the changing times is not a problem to you, since you know how to adapt and utilize the newer technologies & resources. Yet you are quite traditional, be it religion, culture or such structured rules & guidance systems. You are resistant to certain changes in life especially if they’re sudden or upset your peaceful lifestyle in some way. There may be numerous opportunities/relationships that come into your life (sometimes leaving just as quickly, like breakups, downfalls, etc.) to challenge your belief-systems in a good way, often inspiring you to evolve past your own self-limiting beliefs and explore your true value-systems. With time & maturity, you will come to realize just how valuable your ability to “blend the old with the new” truly is. Some of the major leaps in your journey and immense progress were due to your inner genius mixed with self-discipline after all. 

So, understanding the depth of your genius & the need for independence all while following your own moral guidelines will be significant life lessons. You can balance both curiosity & structure, genius & hard work, freedom & belongingness, thereby embracing both Saturnian & Uranian qualities without feeling the regret or the conflict that you are betraying either of those worlds. You can create your own set of moral guidelines, but it is also important not to expect others to agree with you all the time. Controlling the urge to blatantly & bluntly expressing your agreements or disagreements will save you from heartbreaks and public backlash. So, there might be a need for healthy compromise without feeling outrightly attacked or restricted from expressing your opinions. This aspect holds a wealth of knowledge, talents and persistence, but it also needs refinement through patience, wisdom and consistency. You can build your career, ambitions and reputation as you navigate through the ups & downs of this aspect, the push & pull tension will motivate you to make necessary changes that challenge you to redefine everything you have known into something more tangible & grounded. Your innovative genius & a solid work-ethic will help you fulfill your biggest dreams & aspirations. 

Natal Saturn Conjunct Uranus

Occurs every 45+ years. Recent: 1986-90. Next: 2032.

One of the most rewarding combinations in an aspect. You are stoic yet expressive, stiff yet flexible, organized yet chaotic. Finding the right balance is a constant problem for you, but as you mature, you might realize that there is probably no need to choose a side, since you already embody both Saturn’s strength in character & Uranus’s eccentricity. Your childhood might have been chaotic where you constantly felt the existential fear in some way. Even if those events weren’t necessarily bad or life threatening, you might have had to adapt to the abrupt changes that made you conscious of how tumultuous life can be. 

As a result, you are also always reinventing yourself. You level up with every opportunity for change. As you get older, this adaptable flexibility gets easier & easier. Yet in some way, you will always be craving for connections that can ground you, be it a career/ambition, family/community, friendships/acquaintances, partners/lovers, etc. You especially have a lot of respect for elders & authority figures for their guidance & support. Although you are used to changing life circumstances, your rational & inventive mind can understand and map the changes, as to their frequency, rhythm & patterns. This makes you quite intuitive with how easily you are able to predict a pattern or future with just a few known variables.

Although you have grown to love the unpredictability of your life, you still crave for a solid ground to stand on. So, you will use all your ingenuity, resourcefulness and skills to create a strong foundation for yourself. You are practical and realistic, yet imaginative & intuitive, disciplined yet impulsive. This dual nature makes you a genius at planning and building your future. Your ambitions are unconventional, yet they are built from functioning ideas of the past. You have the amazing ability to reinvent old systems & ideas into something that can set a new trend for the future.

Certain situations & phases in your life may have been dark, with addictions, violence, restriction/control, etc. Your life experiences, both good & bad somehow always motivated you to make the necessary changes, no matter how dire or unconventional, be it by strategy, rebellion or through sheer willpower. However, you will have to be careful not to crave unpredictability habitually. Since, chaos can become a programmed part of your behavior especially so if your childhood experiences left a deep inner wound in you. Even if all you saw was success through making erratic changes, you might have to stop yourself from becoming addicted to it. If you are not paying attention to your own inner frustrations & how they affect your decision-making process, you might end up sabotaging what you have built just to feel the rush of excitement or relive your past experiences. 

There is no doubt that you will keep mastering your innate talent of reinvention, no matter what the odds are and how unreasonable it might seem to others. But you will have to gain discernment of what truly needs restructuring and what is just an urge from your early survival mechanism. Healing through past wounds and reprogramming your mindset into accepting peace & tranquility without subconsciously fearing what might happen next will be paramount to your physical/mental health & your success. Cultivating, sustaining, dismantling and reinventing will need order and organization. You will be able to gain wealth, reputation & respect as a result of your patience, persistence & intellect. You will likely build your empire of stability, with periodic renovations.

Aspects Master List 2 🌨️✨

List of all the Rare Planetary Aspects.

Natal Chart x Master List ☁️✨0

All the links to posts on placements, retrogrades, mythology and other fundamentals of Natal Chart. (The List will be regularly updated with each new post...)

Tags: AstrologyNatal Saturn and Uranus AspectsRare Planetary AspectsSaturn Conjunct UranusSaturn Opposite UranusSaturn Sextile UranusSaturn Square UranusSaturn Trine Uranus

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