Chiron 🌿✨

In Greek Mythology, Chiron was said to be the greatest healer, scholar and teacher revered by all. Kronos happened to see a beautiful sea nymph Philyra whom he relentlessly pursued (in between his search for Zeus and other children to devour so as to escape the prophecy of his death). The uninterested Philyra turns into a mare in order to disguise herself from Kronos, but Kronos ends up taking advantage of this by turning himself into a horse thereby impregnating her. When Philyra gave birth to a half human and half horse baby, she was repulsed by the fact that she was tricked and so abandoned the baby Chiron out of shame. Chiron, although a Centaur in his appearance, was essentially a Demigod due to his parental lineage. Apollo finds Chiron and takes him under his tutelage, together with his twin sister Artemis. They taught Chiron various studies including medicine, archery, music, etc. helping him turn into a parodical being, skilled especially in teaching and healing arts. Many young Greek heroes later became his students. 

Chiron was wise, fair, knowledgeable, patient, compassionate, respected and disciplined. He was said to be an accomplished scholar in astrology and a well-known prophet of his time. His life yet again takes a drastic turn when one day Hercules visits his cave to celebrate one of his victories. Centaurs in general were known to be easily swayed by their primal instincts of beastly nature of rage, hunger, lust, alcohol, etc. all of which are not true for Chiron as he was a Titan himself and raised by Apollo & Artemis, making him the most civilized of all centaurs, and an outstanding Demigod of immaculate character. During the celebrations, Hercules insists on drinking but that results in accidentally intoxicating the other centaurs. A big fight breaks out by the unruly centaurs that Hercules tries to fend off using his arrows. The arrows were dipped in the blood of Hydra (meaning, they were poisonous). During the fight, one of Hercules’s arrows accidentally struck Chiron’s thigh thereby wounding him severely. While most centaurs died by the poised arrows, Chiron being an immortal was badly wounded. Chiron, though he was revered to be the gifted healer, could not heal his wound no matter what he tried, or for how long he treated it, leaving him in constant agony. 

He secluded himself after a long and hard struggle treating the poisoned wound, he realized that his immortality was the only bane keeping him trapped in eternal suffering. Meanwhile, Zeus was contemplating on Hercules’s suggestion to relieve both Chiron and Prometheus from their individual sufferings (Prometheus’s punishment can only be released if a Demigod forego their immortality). Hence, Zeus accepted the request of Chiron who was willing to accept his mortality in order to end his suffering by giving his immortality to Prometheus, thereby resolving both of their endless agony. Chiron then enters the underworld of Hades. His heroic deeds and valiant character were celebrated when later he was made into a constellation in the sky (some say its Sagittarius, others say its Centaurus).

Chiron’s story thus illustrates how one can suffer through pain and ill-fate during the period of their life when they have no say in it, like childhood. He was abandoned by his parents, especially his mother whose rejection might have had little to do with his appearance but more with her abuse by Kronos. So, projected shame and guilt became a part of his early life even though he had done nothing wrong or had no control over his birth circumstances. Later, he was confronted by the dilemma of healing himself by a wound that had no cure, essentially it was designed to be fatal but to an immortal, it became an endless suffering. The very irony of a healer not being able to treat his own ailment serves as a humbling experience in this story. His death too served as a desperate need to finally come to terms with his suffering and understanding the importance of mortality.

Chiron’s placement in one’s chart gives a deeper understanding of their inner wounds, the wounds that they can’t run from, no matter how or when they happened. Chiron as an asteroid is situated in between Saturn and Uranus, but it also has an irregular orbit. Indicating how events that happen out of the blue can bring fated situations into our life and thus trigger buried fears and pain. Chiron learnt how physical agony can dredge up emotional wounds that may have been overlooked before. He was a healer until the end, since even through his pursuit to cure himself, he was still willing to help others, through which he understood how acceptance played a major role in healing, this compassion earned him the title of “the wounded healer”.

Thus, this placement can further represent:

Your inner wounds, fears, pain and traumas.

Events that might have transpired in your previous life and/or early life (out of your control) that left a deep wound within you.

Sudden events that bring up painful and sometimes unexplainable sorrow relating to the past.

Themes of abandonment, shame or guilt either projected or caused or both.

Wounds relating to childhood, sometimes directly or indirectly caused by parents.

Where you feel the most unfortunate or vulnerable due to repeated karmic events, feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.

What you are extremely skilled at, where you show a lot of potential in, especially in terms of education.

Where you show excellence in being a scholar or a teacher, also where/how you’re blessed with incredible mentors.

Where/how you seem to encounter people with similar wounds to that of yours, whether you’re aware of those wounds yourself or not.

Where/how you accept those wounds, sometimes, if you choose to accept or reject those wounds, where you are in denial of your wounds.

How you react to those who seek your help when you are in dire need of help yourself.

How you handle self-seclusion, does it bring up old memories of pain, do you take time to heal from them, etc.

Where you are faced with fears, and feel helpless, powerless, or hopeless since even your greatest knowledge & strength may not be enough to bring you immediate relief.

Where you willingly make sacrifices for the greater good.

Where/how you might get dragged into potentially dangerous situations without actively being a part of them.

How you approach matters of eventuality.

How you heal yourself by healing others, where you deepen your understanding of your traumas & pain by helping others understand theirs’.

Where/how you’re compassionate about collective healing.

Where/how you are well-respected for your selflessness.

How your healing can inspire others in their journey to recovery.

How you are favored by higher forces during your time of suffering and how/where you find your salvation, etc.

Chiron thus has a prominent role in Astrology. Chiron helps with dismantling fears, traumas and regrets, essentially all forms of negative emotions and patterns that get accumulated through huge (sometimes) life changing events in our life. This is one of the most powerful placements for shadow work, inner-child healing, emotional & physical recovery, mental health and strengthening of one’s character. This is also a karmic point of healing the self and others, so encountering, evaluating and breaking free from karmic cycles & patterns become a prime focus with this placement. It helps in the evolution of the soul and hence also the collective. 

Lilith 🌪️✨

Lilith, the first wife of Adam, meaning she was one of the first humans created. Since she was fairly equal to her husband for her rights as a human being, she often expected to be respected, supported and valued the same as Adam (especially by Adam himself). This soon turned into internal fights, disagreements and power struggles in their relationship. In some versions of her story, it is believed that Lilith was expelled from Eden for being presumptuous, and in other versions, Lilith left Adam to get her independence (aka the first divorce of mankind). So, depending on the version, she is either viewed as an arrogant woman who was too prideful or the first feminist who was seeking a simple yet profound sense of equality. Accordingly, she is either viewed as a demon (hence, the mother of all demons). 

Lilith’s mythology is presumably the most famous of all, with varying versions, written from a million point of views. Yet, her presence in mythology is immense no matter where and how she is described. Similarly, in astrology, she is represented by different points, namely, Black Moon Lilith (Mean), Osculating Lilith (True), Waldemath Black Moon Lilith (Dark Moon) and Asteroid Lilith (1181). Lilith being true to her “untameable force of nature” personality is hard to lock down in one particular calculation or point, and so, we have a few different ways of calculating her (the first three mentioned above), each giving their version of Lilith placement in the chart, varying only by a few degrees at most. These points refer to the farthest apogee of the Moon in its orbit. Although, Black Moon Lilith (Mean), is often the preferred point of calculation for Lilith. Some may prefer to calculate Osculating Lilith or True Lilith as well. 

Lilith in a chart represents our inner natural instincts, primal desires, untamed version of ourselves that can scare us and others at the same time. It can also represent:

Where you feel restricted, bound by traditions or rules that are hindering your personal growth.

Where/how your need for independence can shake up certain set of rules or systems of organisation.

Where/how you will be forced to live a life that you do not resonate with on a soul level.

Where/how you will have no choice but to rebel and find your own freedom.

Where you will be ostracised, excluded, blamed, banished, demonised, criticised, etc. for choosing what you want, for putting yourself first.

Where/how you will be condemned by unfair systems of society, like patriarchy or religion & culture, etc. for going against the norms.

Where you feel a lack of support.

Where/how you will be targeted unfairly and victimised unjustly.  

Where you are the rawest version of yourself.

Where you tolerate no non-sense from others.

How you view your sexuality.

What are your sexual desires.

Where you will feel sexualised by others. 

How others sexualise you in a form of criticism or other gaslighting techniques.

How you secretly wish to express yourself, both physically and sexually.

Where/how you are initially misunderstood and hence feared.

Where/how you are hated without much reason.

Where others wish to know more about you, mostly to know about your dark secrets.

Where you either naturally command others’ attention (sometimes unwanted) or are ignored unfairly (depending on the placement and other aspects). 

Where/how others will have extreme opinions about your character and/or intentions.

Where/how you will be pulled into controversies, and vice-versa, where you will create controversies either for good intentions/bad intentions or sometimes just for fun (that clearly goes out of hand).

Where/how your inner femininity may have been targeted and experienced trauma (either in this lifetime or the past ones, or both).

How you can heal your inner feminine side. 

How you associate with your inner femininity (regardless of your gender or sexual orientation).

Where you are the most intuitive and possibly psychic.

Where/how you can integrate your raw feminine energy with your intuition to utilise both in a more profound way as powerful outlets to creativity and innovation.

Where you will fight for your rights, against subjects of equality and discrimination that constantly surround you.

Where/how you will have to fight for yourself, even if it means you are the only one on your side.

Where you must never excuse anyone for trying to control, dominate or belittle you. 

Where you must reclaim your independence.

Where you must never give up your independence but also where you must be careful not to let your need for independence to sabotage potentially healthy connections, and to be careful not to let your ego to sabotage good opportunities.

Where you must control your urges for vengeance in extreme forms.

Where you must unapologetically command respect and uphold your integrity. 

Where you must also have self-respect, find self-acceptance & self-love, etc.

Lilith, being a polarising character in mythology can represent the same characteristics in astrology, where its placement and aspects can give one a drastically controversial personality, where either the person is hated or adored, or both. With a prominent Lilith placement and/or aspects in a chart, you can expect to command attention, extreme opinions, fight for what you are and who you want to be, etc. Lilith is a powerful representation of raw femininity in the chart, hence it is also a placement of exceptional manifestation energy. This is a placement that can grant you the freedom and rights that you deserve, the strength to fight for your desires and unapologetically own your dreams, ambitions and integrity.   

Juno 🦚✨ 

Juno, the Roman Supreme Goddess and counterpart to Greek mythology’s Hera. Juno is the sister and wife of Jupiter; the Roman Supreme God is the Greek mythology’s counterpart to Zeus. Jupiter and Juno being the supreme deities are involved in many Roman Mythological stories, mainly due to Jupiter’s infidelity or some shenanigans and Juno’s jealous rage or timely wisdom. These two divine couples are considered to be the ultimate pairing due to their individual greatness and the endless bond they share together. Juno, much like Hera is associated with marriage and childbirth. She is also the main deity of Rome back in the time, where she was revered by several names and associated with many important aspects of its people. She was considered to be the protector of Rome, often depicted in war attire. She was closely associated with fertility, protector of women, marriage, childbirth, childcare, menstruation, youthfulness, vitality, war, governance, finances, righteousness, etc. 

Juno also has a jealous side much like Hera, where she is seen mercilessly seeking revenge on every creature that Jupiter had relations with. She was known for her loyalty to her husband, even though all the infidelities Jupiter put her through. Patience and grace are also something that she is known for since she was also wise. She is said to be the goddess of marriage and love. She is also known to be the protector of legally married women. Her prominence gave birth to many festivals and practices especially associated with marriages and honoring women. One of the many famous speculations is of the month June, closely associated with her and the month of marriage ceremonies. 

Her presence in Roman mythology and religious beliefs also draw attention to the importance women had, from their selfless love to their everyday circumstances. Menstruation, fertility, chastity, childbirth, etc. were hence associated to her. Her depiction was also much like a sovereign deity who was the queen of all gods & goddesses, with feminine charm and fierce warrior like intensity. 

Juno represents how unconditional love and devotion are the basis of marriage. (Strictly condoning her husband’s cheating, and her misdirected anger of course). Juno is regarded as a mother figure and a wife that anyone would be able to admire. Her characterization also draws attention to how an empowered person can be both a devoted partner and a ferocious protector (without paying much attention to gender but to femininity and its significance), which can be seen in her associations with Peacocks and Lions. It also speaks of how one must have a solid sense of self before entering into any kind of serious relationship, since partnerships can test each other’s characters through the course of time.

Juno in Astrology can hence represent:

Where/who you are devoted and loyal to

Where/how you will seek an ideal future (be it in a marriage, career, passion, etc.)

Who is your ideal partner or what gives you a sense of fulfilment

How/where you might encounter your ideal partner

What marriage means to you and how committed you are

How committed your ideal partner is to you

How compatible you and your ideal partner are

Where you might feel cheated but still remain loyal (with challenging aspects or placements)

How injustice can invoke your rage or jealousy

How you deal with jealousy/rage caused due to such injustices

How you view femininity and how connected you feel to its many aspects

Where/how you feel empowered by your femininity (again, regardless of your gender or sexual orientation)

Where you are revered for your grace 

How you handle your everyday affairs, including expenditure and finances (i.e., Taking care of things like paying the bills, saving money, budgeting, etc.)

How (for women) things like menstruation, self-care, beauty, childbirth, childcare, etc. can play a significant role in your life

How you view marriages and long-term commitments

How you handle long term commitments, in both business and romantic relationship

How you handle ups and downs of such serious commitments

Where and how your ideal partner will be loyal/disloyal to you (depending on placements and aspects)

What are the green & red flags you can look for in a partner

Where you feel your loyalty is taken advantage of and if or if not, you will overlook your loved ones’ betrayal, etc.

Hence, Juno is seen as your potential partner in astrology and also how you yourself behave as a partner. Despite all the notorious stories we know of Jupiter, Juno is still regarded as his ultimate partner, and they are revered as the divine counterparts of each other. So, when looking for marriage and commitments in one’s chart, Jupiter and Juno’s placements, aspects to each other and to the rest of the chart are primarily considered. Of course, this is done disregarding the mythological circumstances between the two, and merely as a power couple (i.e., without their flaws) and an idealized version of a successful love story. Hence Juno’s placement and aspects are seen in a positive view to find one’s ideal partner and the potential for a prosperous & fulfilling commitment/marriage. 

Vesta 🔥✨

Vesta is the Roman Goddess of hearth, home and family. She is the Greek equivalent of Hestia. As the story goes, she was the first child of Cronus and Rhea (in Greek Mythology), hence the first to be swallowed by her father. She was a gentle and peace-loving Goddess who was more focused on fulfilling her duties than in love, romance or any other adventurous matters that most other Gods & Goddesses in mythology were interested in, so she was rarely involved in dramas and hence she appears less in Greek/Roman mythology. After the Olympians won the Great War against Titans, order and peace were restored, she was pursued by Apollo and Poseidon for her hand in marriage, but she refused them earnestly. She had long decided to remain a virgin. Zeus honored her decision and granted her the duty to tend to the Sacred Olympian Hearth, hence she became an important deity of Scared Flame, Hearth, Home and Family. She was worshipped in everyday rituals and domestic affairs. She was said to protect and nurture the people by providing food and heat through the fire of the hearth, etc. Hence, she gained a prominent position in Greek (and later Roman) society as the virgin Goddess of Sacred Flame and Hearth, where the flame in her temple was said to be worshipped and always kept burning. 

In Roman times, a tradition was started where young girls were selected to become worshippers of Vesta, known as the Vestal Virgins whose main duty was to tend to the sacred flame in her temple, to honor her by being virgins & protecting their chastity for 30 years. This position was considered to be a sacred one as they were revered for their selfless devotion. Vesta is also considered as a messenger connecting the mortals to their Gods since she was invoked as sacrificial flames, hence she was not only worshipped during everyday routines but also during important festivals and ceremonies. She was said to help humanity prosper as she provided fire, hence food, warmth and comfort to people. The fireplace in essence being her alter gave her prominence as she occupied the most important part of the house. She was hence worshipped also as a protector since she ensured harmony in family and in society at large. 

Vesta hence represents a more spiritually grounded side of oneself, devoid of material pleasures yet with sufficiency and satisfaction. She represents how devotion and determination can be spiritually rewarding. (Vesta is said to have her orbit between Mars and Jupiter.) She also represents the sacred fire within oneself that burns brighter with discipline and dedication to one’s goals providing inspiration. She can also indicate about one’s sexuality, either in rejecting it or accepting it due to an inner knowing or lack of, accordingly. She also shows the importance of being spiritually content and whole to be satisfied in life, only with and by one’s own efforts can inner peace be found and sustained.

Vesta’s placement in one’s chart can hence indicate:

What makes you who you are from a spiritual perspective

What are you devoted to 

What inspires you and helps you keep moving forward in faith

What are your spiritual desires and goals

What makes you fulfilled spiritually

How you look at your sexuality, how do you integrate your spiritual self to that of your sexual/mortal self

How do you devote yourself to your goals and aspirations

What you feel a strong dedication towards

How you are devoted to your family (with retrogrades or other placements & aspects, how disconnected do you feel from your family)

How comfortable and satisfying is your home/family life

What you show the most gratitude towards and how

What can rejuvenate your faith and confidence 

How you can tend to your spiritual needs

How you can translate carnal desires into more selfless & sacred goals

How you can be of service to others as a part of your spiritual purpose, etc.

Vesta is one of the main asteroids/dwarf planets in astrology, due to the significance it holds in one’s everyday spiritual needs and selfless devotion. This placement can tell a lot about one’s inner strength and their soul-purpose. So, it can be karmic in nature or have a more spiritual bend to it depending on one’s resolve and circumstances. It can also indicate how one can recover spiritually and hence rejuvenate their strength to go after what they desire; hence it can tell how/where they can invoke the support and guidance of their inner/higher self, keeping their spirit burning brighter through life’s ups & downs.

Ceres 🌾✨

Ceres is the Roman Goddess of agriculture, nurturing and fertility. She is the Greek equivalent of Demeter, so she is the daughter of Saturn and Ops, with Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno & Vesta as her siblings. She is one of the central figures of important mythological events although she is not involved in many stories. She was widely worshipped by the Greeks (as Demeter) and later Romans as she was believed to be the benevolent goddess of agriculture and harvest. She has many temples, rituals, festivals, and cults in her honor. She is worshipped as the goddess who protects crops, for fertility of the soil, a bountiful harvest, etc. She is mostly known for her motherly love and generosity. She is often depicted with agricultural tools in one hand and with wheat, fruits or grains in the other. She was also associated with Mother Earth since she was the reason humankind could cultivate, grow food and continue to live peacefully. 

One of the most famous stories in mythology is said to be of Proserpina (Persephone)’s abduction by Pluto (Hades). Proserpina was the daughter of Ceres & Jupiter, she was closely associated to her mother for being the goddess of spring, flowers and vegetation. Jupiter seemed to have promised his brother one of his daughters as his bride. When Pluto sees Proserpina, he falls in love instantly and does everything he can to win her approval. (In one of the interpretations) Ceres refuses to marry her daughter to Pluto since he was the God of the Underworld and Proserpina belonged on the land where she is likely to be happier in the bountiful beauty of life. It is also believed that Ceres was an overprotective mother who couldn’t let her daughter go even when Proserpina accepted Pluto’s love and was willing to marry him. With Ceres’s rejection, Pluto now anxious gets Jupiter’s help to abduct Proserpina and take her to the underworld with him as his bride. 

Ceres finds out that her daughter is missing and goes out to search for her daughter. She roams the earth for many seasons without a trace of her daughter. Since she is the goddess of fertility and harvest, her distress and absence made the world go barren. Soon all life on earth started to suffer and slowly perish. Other Gods and Goddesses start to get concerned about the whole situation, so they ask Jupiter to convince Ceres to return to her duties as the nurturer and fertility goddess. Ceres refuses to do so and demands to have her daughter back. Jupiter tries to reason with her and comes to a compromise that Proserpina can spend half of the year on earth with Ceres and the rest with Hades. Ceres though reluctant accepts and thus reunites with her daughter every year. This is how spring starts when Proserpina comes to the land, when she leaves to the underworld to her husband, is when winter ensues, and so the seasons are described through mythology. 

Here, we can clearly see how the goddess of harvest and agriculture is not only responsible for the nourishment of humanity but also for its protection from famine. Hence, Ceres is a key deity in the Greek/Roman times and so she is often worshipped alongside her daughter with offerings of flowers, grains, and sacrifices of pigs, etc. She is thus associated with growth, preservation and renewal of life. Through her connection to the underworld, she is also believed to protect the souls of children and others who died prematurely or with unfortunate circumstances. Thus, she is one of the central deities with much power and influence in the Greek/Roman society. She is worshipped before and after harvest times, during wedding & funeral ceremonies, for protection of crops, health and prosperity.

In astrology, Ceres is one of the key asteroids (now dwarf planet) in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres in the natal chart often represents your feminine & motherly urges, over-protectiveness, generosity, etc.

It can represent:

How you nurture yourself.

How you express your motherly love and compassion.

Your relationship with your mother/maternal figures.

How (or if) you received motherly love and what made you feel safe.

How positive/negative is the role of maternal figures in your life.

How you show compassion and empathy to others.

How you protect/preserve those you love.

Where you feel over-protective and possessive about what you love.

How you nurture your loved ones, especially those under your care & protection, like kids, pets, family, etc.

What is your relationship to food and nutrition.

What nourishes your soul and inner child.

How connected are you to your inner child, and how you can heal your inner child.

Where/How you feel drawn to save those who are helpless, like children, animals, etc.

Where you feel robbed emotionally/physically (usually when retrograde).

Where you find it hard to accept the loss of something/someone dear to you.

Where you are admired for being a strong yet compassionate person.

Where you are regarded as a benevolent individual.

Where you will be called to embrace & heal your divine feminine energy (regardless of your gender or sexual orientation).

How/where your emotional intelligence will help your loved ones.

Where you will be expected to make sacrifices for the sake of your loved ones’ happiness.

Where you will have to be careful not to harm your loved ones through your over-protectiveness, etc.

Hence, Ceres is considered as the ultimate mother figure in both mythology and astrology. Nourishment, care & compassion are key representations of this asteroid in the chart, whereas over-protectiveness, possessiveness and misplaced anger are its shadow sides. This placement can also show your role in the lives of your loved ones through how you take care of them and love them unconditionally. So, you can find your own motherly side as well as the role motherly figures played in your life. This is also the placement that tells a lot about self-love, where you can understand how to heal & nurture your inner child.

Pallas Athena 🦉✨

Pallas Athena is a Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Strategic War & Artistic Skills. She is the daughter of Zeus & Metis. Like most stories that involves Zeus, he was believed to have pursued Metis, a Titan Goddess (who also helped him during the war with his father) and impregnated her. But soon after, he was afraid of his fate turning out to being that of his father & grandfather, since there was a prophecy that the kids born from this union will be much stronger and wiser than Zeus himself. So, he decided to swallow Metis while she was still pregnant. After a while, he began to experience severe headaches as if something was inside his head trying to come out. When his head was split to be examined, Athena emerged out fully grown and in armor. Since she was a magnificent goddess of strength and wisdom, she became Zeus’s most favorite daughter making her an even more prominent goddess. 

She was the Goddess of knowledge, wisdom, strategic warfare, justice, protection, weaving, pottery, sculpting, etc. She is the goddess of intellect and discernment. Hence, she is often depicted with an owl as her favorite animal. She is also one of the Virgin Goddesses of Greek Mythology where she is considered to be pure and knowledgeable. There are several stories that include Athena’s presence no matter how significant or small her contributions were. Most famous of them are that of the fight over the city of Athens with Poseidon, Medusa’s Curse & Punishment, Arachne’s Curse & Punishment, in the Trojan war, etc. She is also involved in many stories of Greek’s Heroes helping and guiding them, like that of Perseus, Odysseus, Hercules, etc. So, she was considered as a Patron Goddess of Athens and of Heroes. 

Being the Goddess of War, Artistry & Wisdom, she was worshipped by all groups of people in the Greek times. She had many cults, rituals and festivals dedicated to her name. Much like Ares, she was also associated with being a Goddess of War, but where Ares was the God of Offensive War, Athena was the Goddess of Defensive War. She was worshipped for the blessings of strategic intellect, careful & meticulous planning, negotiation, for the use of creative & more versatile weapons and analytical approach, which is why it was believed that she never once lost a battle, ever. She also represented justice, so she was a fair goddess who punished & protected with discernment. 

In astrology, Pallas Athena is an important asteroid placement in the chart which represents our inner wisdom, intellect, intuition and creative skills. It can also represent:

How you combine intuition & intellect.

How you use your creative skills to innovate, where you use smart work to your advantage.

How (& if or if not) strong is your relationship with your father and how it affected your early development.

Where you are artistically talented.

Where you are good with detail-oriented works/skills.

Where/how you can use strategy and methodical planning to win or succeed.

Where you are called to fight for justice.

Where you will be called to protect both yourself & others.

Where/how you are good at negotiation-skills.

How/where you must choose your battles wisely.

Where you will be expected to make impartial judgements.

Where/how your wisdom will become your strength.

Where/how you are connected to your inner divine feminine and its strengths.

How you are good at finding & connecting patterns.

Where you can use patterns and intricate details of a situation or problem to find effective solutions.

Where you are more interested in finding solutions rather than diving into arguments & disagreements.

How you can peacefully negotiate your way out of potentially dangerous situations.

How/where you can use your inner strength to win inevitable battles.

Where you have a strong intuition and how you can use it in significant situations. 

Where/how you can use your soft power to avoid unnecessary confrontations and still put your foot down, etc.

Hence, Pallas in the chart is one of the most important placements along with the aspects it makes. You can determine your inner strengths of wisdom & justice through this placement and its aspects. Pallas can also represent your relationship with elders especially father figures & guides. This placement can give a much more profound insight into your intellectual and intuitive prowess.  

Aphrodite (1388) 🌹✨

Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, sexuality, justice, and beauty. When Cronus killed his father Uranus, he was said to have castrated him and threw Uranus’s testicles into the sea, from the foam that formed came a Goddess (already fully developed in appearance as an adult) standing on a clam shell, who was named Aphrodite. She is the roman counterpart of Venus. She was said to be the most beautiful of all Greek goddesses. She was also the most sought-after character in mythology. As a result, there are many stories that involve her or where she involves herself. She is known to be a flighty and extremist character none the less. She is often depicted in nude, from half naked to warrior attire depending on the places and the form she was worshipped in. She was one of the most worshipped and had huge cults in her name, she was worshipped for her blessings in marriage, fertility, love, beauty, political power, popularity, justice, protection in war, safety in sea voyage, etc. She is famously known for quite a lot of stories, many of which were of beauty, seduction, adultery, jealousy, overprotectiveness, compassion, etc. so she has a whole lot of character to her depending on the situation she was involved in. 

She was married to Hephaestus (the god of fire) who famously caught her having an affair with Ares. She had Harmonia, Eros, Phobos & Deimos with Ares. Another story involves her having a relationship with Anchises who was a member of the royal family of Troy, she had Aeneas and Lyros as proof of their union. She was also involved in “the Golden apple competition” for the most beautiful (fairest) goddess during the marriage of Peleus and Thetis (the competition orchestrated by Eris, the goddess of Discord in order to exact her revenge for not inviting her), in one version, the competition came down to Hera, Athena and Aphrodite (much like a final round), but Zeus didn’t want to be the judge of it at that point, so he instead made a Shepard-Prince named Paris of Troy decide who among the three would be the winner. Each goddess offered a “gift” as bribe if he chose them, Paris chose Aphrodite as the winner for which Aphrodite had promised him the most beautiful woman as his wife, that at the time being Helene (who was already the wife of Menelaus, the King of Sparta). He then abducted Helene and that started the infamous Trojan War. Later Psyche’s love for her son, Eros showed how her jealousy was neatly disguised as being a protective mother, and so on. Hence, numerous stories and literatures of Aphrodite showcase her in many different forms. 

She is seen as a celestial beauty who represents all forms of love, sexuality and pleasures. She is a generous woman, a caring but often overprotective mother, yet a jealous and reckless character. She is known for her numerous affairs, impulsiveness, and yet a brave personality. One of the most defining characteristics may be her irresponsible and impulsive behavior (which in defense was not uncommon for Greek/Roman Gods but her involvement in certain stories did change their narratives drastically). Her character has a certain naivety to it, which makes her fluctuate between being immature and responsible. 

In astrology, Asteroid Aphrodite (1388) is closely associated to the mythological Goddess in tandem with Venus, although Venus is considered as a planet herself. 1388 Aphrodite can represent:

Your natural beauty.

Your personal/signature style, dressing sense, attitude, etc.

How you see your sexuality and how you integrate with it (or choose not to).

Where/how you take care of yourself, how self-love & inner beauty brings you a strong sense of self.

What you find as beautiful or sensually pleasing.

What others see in you that is sensually pleasing to them.

Where/how you are popular for your natural beauty (insider & out), talent, charm, etc.

Where/how you express your sexual desires.

Where you seek sensual pleasures both as a form of self-love and romantic love.

What/who you are attracted to, likewise, what/who you attract through your magnetic charm.

Where you are prone to jealousy or insight jealousy in others, usually for beauty, popularity or romantic involvement.

Where you are prone to impulsivity, rash actions without thinking through the consequences, often in a naive way but with bigger repercussions.

So, where you need to take responsibility for your actions and make thoughtful decisions.

Where you need more maturity, especially where your feminine side needs to develop.

Where you might lose yourself in materialism/physical pleasures.

How your insecurities are rooted in your underdeveloped inner child.

How you can find your feminine side and integrate it with your inner child.

Where you are open to new experiences (on a positive note).

How you express yourself, in beauty, art, wisdom, etc.

How you can use your divine feminine energy for physical attraction of wealth, popularity & love, likewise use it to ground yourself as a caring, responsible & a mature person (regardless of your gender or sexual orientation).

Hence, in astrology, Asteroid Aphrodite 1388 can give us more information on our true inner beauty, where we can utilize our divine feminine energy productively & responsibly, how love and sensual pleasures can bring us satisfaction, etc. It can also represent how we may be drawn into situations that we become involved innocently but contribute great consequences to them. As one of the key Asteroids often referred to while interpreting charts, Aphrodite 1388 is undoubtedly an important placement to consider along with the aspects it makes.

Eros (433) 💘✨

Eros is the Greek God of love and sexual desires. He is considered to be a God of Chaos (a primordial God of creation), yet most believe that he is the son of Aphrodite and Ares. Cupid is famously the Roman counterpart of Eros represented as an infant with wings, bow & arrows. In most of Greek Mythology he is often depicted as a youthful & handsome man with beautiful wings on his back, golden arrows & bow in his hands. He is considered to be a mischievous God who has the ability to strike love in the hearts of both mortals and Gods (when he shoots his Golden arrows, similarly when he shoots with his Lead arrows, he can make someone feel repulsed by another). He is responsible for most affairs, scandals, misfortunes and happy endings in mythology. Much like Aphrodite, he is respected as the god of love since he has the power to ignite passion for life and hence responsible for the continuation of it, so he is associated with Fertility. He is often worshipped along with his mother, but he is also a prominent deity who had many cults, ceremonies and rituals in his name. 

In most Greek versions, he was considered to be an irresistible being who could ignite the fire of love and passion in the hearts of those who saw him. His powers were not always just of love, since he also represents playfulness, passion, with lust & desire. His abilities included a maddening and overwhelming desire for love. Sometimes, it is accounted that he would randomly shoot his golden arrows which could make one lose logical reasoning and become consumed by love. So, most victims of his love-arrow-shot either had to face immense disappointments or had happy-endings. Hence, unlike his brother Anteros (who is a similar god of love, but he represents love that is requited, hence guarantees mutual love) he was not responsible for anything that he did, he often didn’t take any accountability for the outcome of his actions.   

There were many stories in Greek Mythology that involved Eros’s contribution, but most famous of them all was of his own. When his mother, Aphrodite ordered him to punish Psyche by striking her heart with one of his golden arrows to fall tragically in love with a hideous beast, he goes to see Psyche but falls in love with her at first sight. However, as an awe-stricken accident, he gets wounded by his own arrow that he was holding in his hands to shoot at Psyche, hence, falling victim to his own powers of love. Both Psyche and he had to go through many trials and tribulations in their own way to finally reunite as lovers. 

In astrology, Eros 433 is a key asteroid whose orbit is near to Mars. Eros placement represents one’s passions, desires, kinks, sexual interests, turn-ons/offs, etc. Eros can also represent:

How you express your sexual desires.

Who is your type, what turns you on in a potential lover.

How (& if or if not) you wish to experience lust.

What drives you sexually.

Who could be most compatible with you sexually and/or romantically.

What is your definition of love.

How (& if or if not) you objectify others.

How others may objectify you.

What makes you passionate, it can be hobbies, interests, skills, creativity, etc.

How you pursue your passions.

How you pursue commitments, for example, do you prefer long term or short-term relationships, etc.

How you express yourself in an intimate relationship.

How vulnerable or closed off, responsible or carefree, are you in such connections.

What is your sexual preference/orientation.

What qualities others see in you as irresistible.

What makes you attractive, etc.

It’s placement & aspects are most preferably seen in synastry and composite charts to determine sexual compatibility, attraction, kinks, intimate satisfaction, etc. between two partners which can add more information to their overall compatibility. Eros 433 is one of the asteroid placements most searched for in a chart to find one’s passions & desires. So, this placement and significant aspects in your chart can indicate your attractiveness, most desired qualities, sensual aura & sex appeal.

Psyche (16) 💫✨

In (Greek) Mythology, Psyche’s story begins as the youngest daughter of a King. Though her two elder sisters were beautiful, Psyche’s natural beauty was extraordinary, so much so that most people admired her more than Aphrodite (aka. Roman Goddess of Love & Beauty, Venus). She received countless marriage proposals, gifts and compliments from people who would soon start to ignore worshipping Aphrodite, thereby angering her. In a pure jealous rage, Aphrodite orders her son, Eros, the God of Lust & Romance, to make her fall in love with the most hideous creature on earth. Eros instead fell in love with Psyche the moment he first laid eyes on her. 

Meanwhile, the King was distraught by Psyche’s future and frightened by a prophecy he received through Apollo, he left Psyche on a mountain to be taken by a beast as his bride. This beast being Eros in disguise. He sought the help of “the West Wind” Zephyr to take her up to a palace on the clouds where the entire palace was filled with beauty and splendor. There she would meet her mysterious lover at night, warned of course by Eros who concealed himself, to never ask her who he was or what he looked like. They enjoyed their nights filled with love and passion, during the daytime, she stayed happily in the palace served by many invisible servants, spending her life in a magical bliss. Soon, Psyche got home sick and wished to invite her family to the palace, but her sisters in particular weren’t so happy for her. Although they married Kings and Princes themselves, they never could let go of their envy for Psyche’s continued good fortune. So, they began to enquire about Psyche’s mysterious husband, and that she must look after her safety by discovering his true identity. 

Psyche though not doubtfully but with pure curiosity attempts to uncover her lover’s identity when he was asleep by her side and finds out it was Eros all along, but accidentally wakes him up (in one of the versions, it seems she was misled by her sisters’ words to try and kill her husband in the sleep to protect herself). He flees mistrusting her intentions. Psyche tries to find him and to explain herself (Demeter advices Psyche to approach Aphrodite and seek her forgiveness) but fails to do so as Aphrodite takes advantage of her woes and sends Psyche on a journey filled with impossible and dangerous tasks so as to test her devotion & love. 

Psyche also gains favor (without her knowledge, mostly by Eros’s secret intervention) from many kind-hearted deities, fulfilling her Trials and Tribulations successfully. She is later rewarded with immortality for her devotion, loyalty and purity of soul. She becomes the Goddess of Purity, soul and Life, thus marrying her true love Eros. Happy Ending. 🥹

Her story is a classic of how ones’ curiosity can lead to disaster and misunderstandings, but ones’ inner purity will eventually earn the greatest reward. Love can help one reach immortality and eternal bliss, soul’s journey through many unnerving trials can help strengthen one’s character by simultaneously testing their inner purity & devotion. Innocence always gains divine protection and favor. There’s also a lesson about being too naive of other’s intentions, one can fall victim to other’s traps and ulterior motives if one always goes by their purity and expect others to treat them fairly just because of that. One’s good character doesn’t warrant others’ good intentions. 

So, Asteroid Psyche (16) in Astrology hold’s significance, where it tells us about our innocence, natural beauty, soul’s purity, journey towards one’s desires, being stripped off of our karma through trials and sacrifice to reunite with our soul’s calling, etc. Psyche thus represents our soul, mind, inner beauty and psychology. This placement, i. e., the house and sign Psyche occupies can show where we seek ourselves through our desires, where our soul longs to reunite with ourselves, the intuition that leads us through all of life’s tribulations, devotion to our true love, recognition of one’s innocence, delving deep into one’s inner self, facing the darkness of the world and illuminating it with our inner light of purity. 

Psyche’s placement and aspects can give us a lot of vital information about how our willingness to follow our true desires will help us discover ourselves and, in the process, reuniting with our biggest wish. Psychology, innocence and the mind become the main focus.

This placement further tells you:

where/how others will envy your natural beauty, good fortune and luck. 

where and what others admire you for without being able to comprehend. 

how others are drawn to your inner beauty.

where your popularity (no matter how innocent and out of your control) can invite envy and jealousy.

(sometimes) where and how a parent/care takers’ ignorance or insecure actions can put you in unnecessary danger, this can also indicate them enjoying honors and respect due to your accomplishments or using all the admiration you get to gain status for themselves in some way (just like how her father’s greed let everyone worship his daughter knowing full well that a mortal being worshipped like that can anger the Gods’ or Goddesses).

where and how others admire you but also make you feel lonely for the same reason since you only see them admiring you for your external beauty or abilities but not your true character. 

where others are afraid to claim you or give you any official recognition due to all the external competition & insecurities (almost too perfect to have you in that area of your life since they feel intimidated or over pressured to meet high standards). 

where/how rejections and projections can make you feel less than who you truly are. 

where/what/who you long for and consider your true love. 

where you attract secret admirers. 

where and why others plot against you and have ulterior motives to their words and actions towards you. 

where and how your innocence and naïveté can cause you harm. 

where and how you will have divine guidance and favor due to your inner purity and good intentions. 

what kind of rewards or divine grants you earn through various trials and tribulations.

your natural gifts, talents and blessings. 

how you can explore your soul and listen to your inner calling. 

how you will be remembered for your strength in character, etc.

Hence it represents a deeply spiritual placement in our chart, especially when it comes to true love or soul calling. The events that transpire in this placement have an element of destiny and a flavor of inevitability, making it a fascinating part of the chart to explore.

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Natal Saturn Sign & House Placements • Natal Chiron Sign & House Placements • Natal Retrograde Placements (Planets & Asteroids) • Mythology x Astrology of Asteroids

Major Aspects of Astrology • Ascendant Natal Aspects • Midheaven Natal Aspects • North Node Natal Aspects • Planetary Natal Aspects • Rare Aspects

Tags: Asteroid AstrologyAsteroid MythologyAsteroid PsycheAstrologyMythologyPsyche 16

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