Total Solar Eclipse in Aries April 20 2023 Astrology Blog

It's officially eclipse season (with Mercury Retrograde starting just a day after), which means it's "breaking season": phone screens, vehicles, machines, glass & such items, habits/addictions, karmic cycles, toxic connections, hearts. So be careful about some, and grateful for others. Since, destiny is at play and things are likely to be out of our control. The first Eclipse of 2023 happens in Aries on April 20, just hours before Sun enters Taurus, which means, this eclipse is happening at a critical 290 in Aries.

With South Node in Libra, anything/anyone that doesn't serve your highest good will no longer have access to you (granted that you have learnt your lessons and are awaiting new beginnings). Since this is also a transition eclipse with North Node still in Taurus and will officially move into Aries in May, this brief period can bring a gust of change and sudden events. So, it's a potent time to revisit the intentions you set in the past year, since you just might manifest them as karmic rewards at this time.

Eclipses in general are “energy release” events after the build-up of energies through the sweeping movement of Lunar Nodes. So, karma and destiny are inescapable during Eclipses. This is also the reason why fated events happen out of our control. During this eclipse (and for most of this year), Pluto in Aquarius (later in retrograde in Capricorn) will be squaring the Nodes creating intense internal frustrations that will find their way into our waking lives as external conflicts. 

So, get ready for some harsh reality checks (especially if any of your Big Three are in Fixed signs) that lead to an insatiable need to change your life from the inside out. Any events that transpire during this brief period will trigger a deep transformation from within that will bring about a revolution in your life. Any stagnant or blockages will be removed (sometimes all of a sudden, in an explosive way). Adapting to the aftermath of such events will be key to progress, turning pain & disappointment into wisdom & power.

This Eclipse happening in Aries will demand us to walk out of our comfort zones and start planning for the future. If you were contemplating a project, venture, business, career change, etc. and especially if you were settling in uncooperative situations where you were expected to be happy with less than what you deserve, now will be the time to make firm decisions and detailed plans for a major move. This eclipse can even throw you a curve ball or two which will force you out of such disharmonious situations.

Jupiter still loosely conjunct Sun in Aries will cast a positive light on the events that we encounter, so we can expect (mostly) good changes to take place. With Saturn Sextile to the North Node, this a promising time to reevaluate your goals and ambitions moving forward. Although, they may not necessarily have to be “exact, revised, sealed & done” kind of plans, a rough sketch of the big plan and what you envision your life to be will do for now, since, with Aries here, there is always room for course corrections & learning as you go. It is however wise to watch out for impulsiveness and also impatience. 

So, if you have felt drained in certain relationships (either mentally or emotionally), you can be a little bit too selfish and take some time out for yourself this season. In fact, your focus might already be on building your future and accomplishing goals that are closest to your heart. You can utilize your inner reserves of vital energy to go after your passions and embrace your independence unapologetically. It is however wise to try and balance your personal life before you embark on professional ventures. 

May this eclipse help us to start the astrological year with an energized momentum, by throwing our fears & insecurities away to the corner, moving with clear intention, embracing our self-confidence & inner strength to chase our passions. So, lets get ready to ride this positive way of change towards inevitable success. 🔥

Transits 2023 ✨

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Tags: April 2023 TranistsAstrologySolar Eclipse in AriesTotal Solar EclipseTransit AstrologyTransits 2023

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