With the Four Heavenly Guardians overlooking the transformations happening right in front of us, the events that are sparking ambers of great change will soon become wild fires of transformation before quelling down. On Aug 14, 2024 we witness Mars joining forces with Jupiter in Gemini 16° along with the Royal Star Aldebaran (Gemini 10°) who will add strength to the already intense Square between Saturn & Jupiter, there by also activating Fomalhaut (Pisces 4°). 

Venus in Virgo 12° enters the Square Down by Opposing Saturn in Pisces Rx 17° and simultaneously Squaring Mars & Jupiter, not to forget Moon in Sagittarius (on Aug 14) thereby activating Antares in Sagittarius 10°. While these three Royal Stars are activated by the Grand Cross, Regulus (Virgo 0°) is activated by Mercury in Rx & Sun in Leo. So, that accounts for all the Four Royal Fixed Stars in Astrology taking center stage during one the most Powerful Aspects of 2024. 

Saturn in Pisces (as expected) is trying to bring up major issues which are disrupting Jupiter’s stay in Gemini. This intense Square of Jupiter & Saturn (which will continue until Jan 2025) is further agitated by Mars’s Conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini (thereby Squaring Saturn). Hence, the Saturn x Jupiter Square will remain an impactful force of change and catharsis in our lives. All around the world, there are major signs of agitation and other times there is blatant chaos. In everything, discernment will be a key factor indeed. Distractions are numerous, confusion will be rampant, yet everything will come to light eventually.

Governments, Institutions, Systemic Structures of Societies: Saturn will clash with Jupiter: the Ideological, Moral, Judicial, Expansive View Points of people as a whole. Migrant/Immigrant population, Refugees, Medical Services, Medical Workers, Vulnerable sections of Society, (also Criminals): Pisces along with the Local/Indigenous Residents, Students, Artists, Journalists, Communities, Financial Sectors: Gemini will be majorly affected for the next 5-6 months. Mars in Gemini can take things to either extremes very quickly now. This Mars x Jupiter Conjunction is particularly volatile in nature since as mentioned, all the Four Royal Stars are activated at the same time. 

Moon in Sagittarius on the day of the Mars x Jupiter Conjunction and a day later when Mars makes a 0° orb Square to Saturn will keep us all on our toes. Even the most patient people can lose their cool. There will be a destabilizing atmosphere with regards to Global events. With this particular Jupiter x Saturn Square (+ Mercury Rx) it is extremely important not to jump into conclusions, as understandable as it may seem since things can change at the spur of the moment and those in the middle of (any) issue can feel compelled to take immediate actions. Emotions will run high, there will be an eruption of anger & other suppressed emotions, this will also fuel the division on who is right and who is wrong.

Venus in Virgo will simultaneously make an Opposition & Squares to Jupiter x Mars, which indicates that it can seem almost impossible to find common ground and negotiate for peace. On the other hand, events can prompt us to demand for justice (Pallas Athena is in Scorpio my darlings, with a blooming Full Moon in Aquarius just around the corner on Aug 19). Things can go out of hand very very fast. Although Moon in Sagittarius helps form a Grand Cross for a moment (for about a day), it will give us both the ability to see things from a higher perspective and to make sense of the situation at hand. 

After Moon moves along on her journey towards the Aquarius (Super) Full Moon, we will be left with the T-Square of Venus x Mars x Jupiter x Saturn. No matter how this heavenly T-Square affects you, the only advise that I can offer is to take things only as seriously as you can, since I fully understand that it will be hard not to at all. Paranoia can easily cloud judgement, whether it is justified or not. This is hence a time of great confusion & uncertainty. Allowing things to play out will not be an easy process, yet things can seem out of everybody’s control right now, so this time period can demand & force us to sit on the edge of our seats and await for Karmic Justice to play out. This is however a great time for all kinds of revelations, which will come around the Aquarius Full Moon creating another Grand Cross of Super Full Moon, Pallas Athena, Sun, Mercury & Uranus in the Fixed Signs. 

On a personal level you are likely feeling a little more anxious than usual, insomnia & fatigue can also become frequent. You might have been overwhelmed and spirally down a train of obsessive & intrusive thoughts without even realizing it. You might have a lot of trouble keeping up with your everyday life & tasks. It will be harder to take care of yourself (both Mentally & Physically), but it can also alert on how your past patterns & habits may be affecting you now, making it hard to grasp onto your everyday routines. Life can feel a little too out of your control right now. So, take time to reflect yet give yourself breaks from rethinking your past, which can help you stay balanced mentally. Your mental health will have to be your biggest priority, since your physical health can take a hit otherwise.

(I wish to clarify that I am not writing this based on any specific matter currently in our world, but rather from a collective understanding. I wanted to share this since everywhere I see there is one sensitive & egregious matter after another, which has frankly overwhelmed me and so I understand that compassion for each other is what we need more than ever. I write this from a purely Astrological Interpretation. So, I intend only Peace & Resolution to all of us regardless of how these times are affecting us. More strength, luv & light to you all. 🥹🫂💕)

The Four Guardians of the Sky are hence paying close attention to every-single-thing happening here both Globally & Personally. No injustice will go unnoticed. No intentional or unintentional sabotage to the process will be successful (hence rest assured that justice & truth will prevail). So, we are living in the historical times that will be remembered for years to come, whatever issues/incidents/events take place now will affect our futures immensely, not just individually but also as a collective. Hence, no matter how grim it all seems now, stay strong in your belief & faith (since this is beyond religion, spirituality, or politics; but more on humanity & unity of our communities). This is especially helpful now as nothing will seem stable, predictable or decisive. Uncertainty & Civil Unrest will be rampant (at least until the end of Aug) which can shroud our ability to see beyond the confusion. 

Make your best efforts to avoid accidentally or unknowingly falling for the misinformation (of any kind) right now. Avoiding Social Media & limiting your time on the screen for a while can also be a major help. Form stronger bonds with your loved ones, handle personal conflicts with grace (as much as possible). This dark cloud of confusion will soon disperse, and we will be able to find fairness & justice (no matter what it is that we are dealing with & where we are in the world). There is hope, there will be light. May the ambers of change burn deep inside you & elevate you on your life path. ❤️‍🔥🕊️

Tags: AstrologyJupiter in GeminiJupiter TransitMars and Jupiter ConjunctionMars in GeminiMars TransitMoon in SagittariusSaturn in PiscesTransit AstrologyTransits 2024Venus in Virgo

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