October 2023 Eclipses, Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus | Oct 14 & 28, 2023 ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒน✨

With the powerful year-end Eclipses of 2023, Great changes are ahead of us. Two eclipses follow each other (as usual) but this year they are in different signs marking the official shift of Lunar Nodes. Total Solar Eclipse in Aries kick-started the shift of the Nodes back in April 2023, and now with Solar Eclipse in Libra on Oct 14, 2023 we are officially entering the Eclipse seasons of Aries & Libra for the next 1 & 1/2 years. Along with Lunar Eclipse later in the month in Taurus marking the end of Lunar Node transit in the signs of Taurus & Scorpio (until 2030s). As one chapter closes the other begins. It symbolizes the end of major cycle(s) and beginning of new ones in our lives. 

Greeted by the first eclipse of Oct 2023, we can look forward to a glorious Solar Eclipse in Libra. Since the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, there has been a definite shift in our focus. April and May of 2023 felt a lot more chaotic yet new. With the shifts of Lunar Nodes, we could feel the shifts in the direction of the winds of destiny, ever so slightly but with a major twist. Turn of events that took place suddenly had their impactful influence in our lives until now, giving us the time to recalibrate to the changes & shifts in dynamics that are happening. Many of us went through major mindset changes, with our focus for the future becoming more streamlined and infused with inspiration. A little jolt of excitement to explore new territories and expand our world-view. 

Especially with regards to getting in touch with our goals and aspirations of our childhood that were forgotten or left behind. The need to recapture such dreams and ambitions emerged from within the depths of our hearts, gaining more momentum till now. With the second eclipse of Oct 2023 in Taurus closing out the one & half years journey of the Nodes in the sensual & practical pair of Taurus & Scorpio. It is likely that there are endings happening all around us, some chaotic, others cathartic. While in April & May, the emotions rose and washed over our hearts with new inspiration from the intense eclipses in Aries & Scorpio. However this time, we are getting the opportunity to make sense of the journey we have been on so far and the direction we need to take for our true personal fulfillment.

A 9 - 10 year cycle(s) must have ended in at-least one area of your life recently. There might have been a recent end to a long term relationship or end to the dynamics within long term relationships, certain patterns falling away or your relationship to each other is changing for the better (together or apart). This can even play out as job change from a place where you worked for almost a decade, a promotion or retirement, etc. Legal troubles finally ending or settlements going in a favorable direction. This year as a whole felt like a period of “tying up lose ends”, some happening all by themselves, while others needed our active participation. So, the October Eclipses have a flavor of “peaceful resolutions and silent forward movement” through the fading noise of chaos. 

With the Solar Eclipse in Libra, karmic balance plays an important role both on a personal & collective level. The last Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio had dramatic impact on the ares of our lives that needed a finality, which indicated to the end of certain toxic relationships/dynamics that lacked loyalty & genuine intentions, even to the relationship we had to our own fears & insecurities changing once and for all. With Libra’s influence, we will have a new shift in relationship-dynamics. It indicates to completely new patterns, experiences & heights of love, compassions & reciprocity. With South Node now in Libra, we can except to see some relationships (romantic, platonic, business, etc.) to strengthen and others fall away from our life path. Overall, we will be able to see and experience completely new & different relationship dynamics and levels of commitment. 

So, some relationships from the past may get a second chance from destiny. Likewise, our understanding of true love, support and commitment will lead us to walk away from certain relationships that may no longer be in alignment to our life path and our highest good. With Mars (in Scorpio) Opposing the North Node during the Solar Eclipse in Libra along with Pluto (still) Square the Nodes, we are bound to see some major shake ups in our lives with regards to both the ending & beginnings that take place. There may be resistance from both within & without to the changes that are happening, which can create tension & frustrations, but with Venus & Saturn in good aspects to Mars, we can expect to handle any challenge with a level-head without giving into anger or agitations. 

However, Saturn Opposite Venus can create a major hindrance during this time. Since, with Venus being the ruler of the current South Node, we might have a hard time understanding our needs & desires moving forward. It might take us patience & facing our insecurities to arrive at the right decisions. This can even mean fighting through previous sticky situations that have practically ended, since Saturn Opposite Venus can indicate to oppressive or domineering people/situations that are trying way too hard to hold onto you (or some situation) that has already karmically ended. So, if you are holding onto toxic situations or some others are, this Solar Eclipse will rip that out of your path for you, since the universe needs to restore karmic balance, which will be the theme for the next 2 year and eclipses are known to be ruthless when it comes to correcting karmic injustices.

With Saturn & Pluto’s overall influence on the Nodes, Venus & Mars, it is likely that there will be uncertainty to all the decisions we will be faced with. The path ahead can only we walked hence with our faith & not just our sight alone. So this time, we will have choices to make from the knowledge & wisdom of all our previous experiences. With willful Aries & diplomatic Libra, we will be presented with choices for our new path in life, so the approach we take will decide the pace & the outcome. 

Hence, when we arrive at critical junctions of life in the next one & half years, we will have to take responsibility for the choices we make. So, unlike the last 2 years, where many endings felt out of our hands and utterly chaotic, this time around, along with the touch of destiny, we can choose to give things a second chance or let go peacefully. Likewise, any new beginning we undertake will have good luck and fortune. With a refreshed passion for life, new ventures, projects and even lifestyle can bring much needed change in perspective of prosperity. Any new adventures that we dive into for the next year & a half will need our absolute dedication to reach immense success. 

Neptune Opposite Venus during the last Eclipse of 2023 can cause us to question our decisions. We might get trapped in our own insecurities & fears, usually stemming from our past disappointments. But, some truths are just not easy to be clouded by doubts, so, every decision we make regarding both our past & future will need our certainty & clear intentions embedded in them. With the Lunar Eclipse closing out in the sign of Taurus, a 9 - 10 year long cycle related to money, stability & self-worth is also completed. We are now likely to have a new perspective on our own worth & value, along with the kind of life & comfort we need to be fulfilled in life. With Taurus & Scorpio Lunar Nodes, we learnt to build ourselves & our lives up from the poverty/lack consciousness to the mindset of abundance. We now don’t just honor what we deserve but also what we desire. 

With uncertain times ahead, our warrior spirit will guide us forward. New changes need new skills of adaptability and new found courage. North Node in Aries will hence have us focused on finding our passion again. The fire within that is reignited will help up face the challenges and take advantage of the numerous opportunities ahead. 

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Tags: Annular Solar EclipseAstrologyEclipse 2023Eclipse AstrologyLunar EclipseLunar Eclipse in TaurusSolar Eclipse in LibraTransit Astrology

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