Hi!! I’m Sheetal (SHƎETU), Astrology Blogger x Hobbyist Digital Artist. 🤎 I love to study new & interesting things, then blend them to create something amazing - “chanpurū it my way”. 🦋 You’ll see that I have many methods to my madness. 🥰⚡️✨💙
Pluto Square Midheaven (MC) □ With this aspect, your identity as an individual and the relationship you have with the public becomes the prime focus of your life (with likely Pluto Conjunctions to either Ascendant or Descendant). □ You could have had a harsh upbringing with family or with parental figures being too controlling or loving or both, at-least one of whom influenced your career choice(s) in a significant way. □ Your personal & romantic relationships or even troubled childhood incidents might become public somewhere down the line, both inspiring & shocking others. □ You're intensely focused on accomplishing your goals, with your resourcefulness & hard-working nature, you can achieve greater heights and gain public fame, yet your personal/familial life may be put to question every now & then for both good & bad reasons, which are likely your biggest emotional triggers. □ So, you might be forced to relive your traumas in one way or another and he
Venus Conjunct Midheaven MC ☌ This is one of the most amazing MC aspects. ☌ You make friends everywhere you go, a social butterfly with unlimited charm and charisma. ☌ You have an eye for beauty & fashion, so you might have a great sense of style or even be well-known for your beauty/physical appearance & fashion sense. ☌ You might be an artist, in music, singing, dancing, make-up, aesthetician, fashion modelling/designing, acting, painting, etc. or have hobbies related to the arts. ☌ You might also be good with finances, like business management, networking, marketing, etc. ☌ Y ou might attract all kinds of opportunities, resources, influential people, friends in high places, great career prospects, etc. ☌ Your key to success may be the peace in your heart, how you always strive to think positively and believe in the good things. ☌ You might also be in good accordance with your family or would love to build a family of your own. You love to work towards a harmonious
Saturn Conjunct Midheaven MC ☌ This aspect is the most amazing & equally terrifying MC aspects of all. ☌ There’s always a sense of immense responsibility on your shoulders, and depending on your conviction, you might carry it so well that people see you with high regards (the other way around is also true). ☌ This aspect has a big emphasis on mentorship, you might have been raised into the career you pursue(d), or you had/have incredible guides & teachers who will help you realize your true potential, although it’s not an easy path at all, yet it comes with big rewards which could have been obvious to you from the start. ☌ Nonetheless this is a karmic aspect, depending on other placements/aspects in your chart, and most importantly on how you use your potential. You could build your very own empire or destroy everything you ever had. ☌ Hard work and smart work sound the same to you, since it’s still a lot of work regardless. ☌ You will be held responsible for each and eve
Pluto Conjunct North Node ☌ You have an intense personality as a result of your unwavering determination to succeed in life. ☌ You might have experienced extreme situations, in the materialistic, physical or psychological areas of your early life. These immense adversities might have shaped your view on the world, and in the process, could have helped you find your life purpose. ☌ You might also have complicated relationships with authority figures, even in family dynamics. You don’t like being controlled by anyone, even in a hierarchy. However, you might have to be careful not to exert your dominance on others or plot your way to the top of the ladder with devious motives, since Pluto & North Node are still extremely strong karmic points in the chart, you can rack-up good karma & bad karma quite easily. ☌ You might have also experienced control-issues, power-struggles or even entrapments where you had to struggle your way out. Or you felt like you were being deceived, used
Neptune Inconjunct/Quincunx North Node ^ This is an enlightening aspect even if it’s painfully challenging to process. ^ You are intuitive, you already know what to do, where to go, how to get what you want, yet you may be vulnerable to a lot of negative energies/mindsets that gets imposed on your psyche. ^ You’re somehow always walking on the right track but get dragged into paths that are dark & scary, often by others’ influence, may be by manipulative/obsessive/ narcissistic people, or by your own lack of confidence due to the subconscious programming of your mind since childhood/early life events, or both, that somehow always takes you on a completely different tangent to learn through the darkest lessons of life. ^ Most people might even consider your life to be unfortunate or they can’t completely comprehend the kind of things you go through since it’s not their definition of “normal”. ^ You’re however an incredibly pure person deep inside, all you will have to do is b
Pluto Sextile Ascendant ✱ You have an intense yet a friendly personality. ✱ This aspect can be regarded as one with lesser drama compared to many other Pluto aspects. ✱ Persistent, confident, hardworking, creative, compassionate. ✱ People in positions of power seem to naturally gravitate towards you, so you usually have good contacts of helpful people. ✱ You are quite influential yourself, who can motivate people in many aspects of life. ✱ A lot of people may look up to you because of your brave & confident personality. ✱ Your sexy & alluring aura, can attract a lot of people who are deeply invested in relationships with you. ✱ You can make friends everywhere you go, even though you encounter a bit of jealousy here & a bit of hate there, you lead an overall fulfilling social life with trustworthy people, weeding out the unnecessary every now & then. ✱ Like other Pluto aspects, you can deeply influence others & transform yourself by helping others. ✱ You
Mars Conjunct Midheaven MC ☌ You’re brave, enthusiastic and passionate. You rarely ever back down from what you want and set out to get what’s yours. ☌ Your career path is something you wish to forge with your own hands, so you’re extremely proud of your work and accomplishments. ☌ You’re not competitive, you are the competition. You don’t mind climbing up the mountain on your own, any opposition only makes you more determined to overcome them. ☌ Hence, you’ll have to take one step at a time without jumping from one stage to the other since the higher you climb the more patience & diligence will be expected from you. ☌ You are also quite temperamental when others stand in your way, even if they’re only critiquing. You don’t tolerate any negativity thrown your way especially since your passions are like an extension of yourself. ☌ Although you might have to keep your anger in check every now and then to allow loved ones and mentors to guide you through roadblocks that you
Uranus Trine Midheaven MC △ You’re an innovator, you like to bring the old and the new together. △ You have a different approach to your career and life in general, that allows you to explore interesting topics. So, you’ll likely choose a career path that allows you a lot of freedom. △ You’re hence likely to be extremely skilled and knowledgeable in your preferred career path(s), this with the natural enthusiasm you have to learn new things also means that you’re always a few steps ahead of the crowd. △ You’re spontaneous in decision making, you’re also methodical in your approach, so you take successful calculated risks. △ You have a sound intuition. You can make sudden and unexpected jumps in your career path and positions, either forwards or backwards, both with a plan in mind. △ Your work might involve bringing different groups of people together, to work for common goals. You might also find a lot of success in careers related to Uranian themes like technology, science, e
Midheaven (MC) Trine North Node △ One of the very few fortunate MC aspects, with many amazing accomplishments in store for your professional life. △ It may be easy for you to tap into your true potential, and one of the many ways to do that could be through your career. △ Since MC is in harmonious aspect to NN, MC being the highest point on the chart, this aspect could easily indicate Fame, that goes hand-in-hand with your career achievements. △ There may be an element of destiny in your career path. △ Your dedication and faith can lead you further in life with ease and little to no controversy (given that there aren’t other problematic aspects to say otherwise). △ There may be a spiritual quality to your personality and your work that seems to draw a lot of people’s admiration. △ People in positions of power and authority may have your back and support you on your path. △ You might easily get into positions of power and authority eventually (sometimes much sooner than expec
Neptune Sextile Ascendant ✱ Sensitive, Creative, Generous. Your aura is mellow yet alluring. ✱ You love to meet/know people and cultures, study/practice spirituality and expect world-peace. ✱ You must always take your surroundings & the people near you into careful consideration, since you can attract all kinds of people/situations towards you without even meaning to, and most won’t always be in your favor (deceitful / low-vibrational / energy vamps / etc.). ✱ Your general personality can have a slight spiritual bend to it, and most will admire your positive mindset. ✱ You are talented and can expect to develop a lot of your potential with diligence over-time. ✱ You can easily be affected by negativity/negative mindsets from outside sources and will thrive well in positive & inspiring environments. ✱ Your charitable side and activism will be well-recognized and appreciated. ✱ It is advised to choose your inner circle carefully, since you are extremely sensitive to thos
Hi!! I’m Sheetal (SHƎETU), Astrology Blogger x Hobbyist Digital Artist. 🤎 I love to study new & interesting things, then blend them to create something amazing - “chanpurū it my way”. 🦋 You’ll see that I have many methods to my madness. 🥰⚡️✨💙