March 2023 Transits

March 2, 2023

Jupiter, Venus and Chiron
Conjunction in Aries🍀✨

Jupiter and Venus make a glorious conjunction in Aries on March 1st, 2023. Later in the week, Venus makes an exact conjunction with Chiron as she moves forward through Aries.

Jupiter in Aries has been an exciting transit with increased productivity, passion and a sense of acceleration in life. Venus in Aries has sparked an interest to balance all that intensity while enjoying the spontaneity. These two aspecting each other in a beautiful conjunction is a sight to behold (we can see this glorious conjunction play out in the night sky for the most part of early March 😍)

March 2, 2023

Mercury moves
into Pisces

March 7, 2023

Full Moon
in Virgo

March 7, 2023

Saturn Transit
in Pisces🍃✨

Saturn enters the boundless realms of Pisces on March 7, 2023, and will stay there till May of 2025 then again in 2026 for a short period. For the next 2.5-3 years, Saturn will be completing his tour through the zodiac wheel before he moves into Aries for a new astrological cycle. This will be an enlightening time indeed, with many obvious surprises and sudden revelations both in our personal lives and globally.

March 16, 2023

Venus's Ingress
into Taurus

March 19 2023

Sun moves
into Aries

Start of a new Astrological year.

Happy Spring Equinox 2023.

March 21, 2023

New Moon
in Aries

March 21, 2023

Venus Conjunct North Node
+ Venus Squares Pluto & Lilith🌿✨

Spring is in full bloom this 2023. Venus comes back home to Taurus on March 16th, 2023 bringing with her all the grace and elegance. Expect extra sensuality, extra love, extra confidence, extra stubbornness, and extra everything. Venus already Conjunct North Node in Taurus for about a week now has sparked the deep need to solidify our self-worth and double-down on our desires, making this one of the defining transits of March 2023.

March 23, 2023

Pluto in
Aquarius 2023-43🦋✨

Pluto is back in Aquarius after 248 years.

We will bare witness to a marvelous shift in the astrological calendar on March 23, 2023, as Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time since the late 1770s. Pluto will transit back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius till 2024, until it goes direct in November 2024 in Aquarius where it will stay for the next 20 years.

March 25, 2023

Mars Transits
into Cancer
this Spring 🔥✨

With Mars now entering Cancer on March 25th, get ready to become a little mysterious & stingy with sharing your energy. Mood swings are a big take away of this transit, passive-aggression and even emotional outbursts may become rampant. It will be easy to lose your patience whenever you feel even a slight glitch in your control over your reality, emotional & financial stability. Your emotional balance will need a good dose of grounding.

March 26, 2023

Mercury Conjunct

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