⚠️ These are opinions formed based on my observations and experiences. Some of the things mentioned may trigger emotions/memories relating to childhood trauma, issues with sexuality, etc. 

Divine Femininity & Masculinity are crucial parts of our existence, they’re “creation” itself. Everything and everyone are an essence of this duality, and so balancing both also becomes an important journey on its own, one often leading to a feeling of liberation from the confines of programmed ideologies about what gender roles are and how they must be either one or the other, when in real we’re both, regardless of the gender we were born into, the sexuality that we reject/accept. Since I consciously relate to my Feminine side, I shall speak of Divine Femininity in the following blog: the struggles, the inner wounds preventing the us from accepting our femininity and healing our connection within. 

Some of us, have lived most of our lives being forced into assuming our Masculine side, this could have been situations that prompted us to defend ourselves, or deep wounds concerning our sexuality/inner child, society/cultural/religious beliefs, etc. A childhood of lack and insecurities, either emotional, physical, or financial could have been the main cause for some, and for the others it was sudden/unfortunate incidents that could have forced them to either become defensive/confrontational or feel trapped/disempowered. 

Feminine energy thrives in loving, nurturing, and safe environments. It’s like that quote we grew up reading, “If you want a girl to be an angel, you must first create a heaven for her because angels don’t live in hell.” That sounds exaggerated, but it makes perfect sense considering all the things that could have potentially affected our identity as a person. Living in lack, growing up forced into a mold, or just in unsafe/manipulative environments can affect one’s sense of self severely making us feel like the whole life is just that, where we need to fight for our freedom/abundance/respect, and that nobody else will ever support/stand up for us, vulnerable or strong, it’s all up to us, and this kind of mindset can keep us stuck in the same patterns & situations that we attract. If this was one of the many challenges you lived through, this could have very well affected your mental health, finances, self-confidence, forming stable relationships, most of all, setting healthy boundaries.

This not just affects our personality, even if we are empowered, goal-oriented, over-achievers, there may come an impasse where we might start feeling that we just don’t deserve help at all, and we need to depend only on ourselves to have our backs, creating a barrier around ourselves, unable to accept help. That’s when all the insecurities pop back up, for reevaluation. If you are in this phase of your journey, you could very well have blamed yourself, others, this that & the other for how your life played out in the beginning (rightfully so). But once you’ve let out all that pent up resentment energy, you will arrive at the acceptance phase. You could have also felt how easy others’ have it in their lives (speaking from a woman’s, man’s, everyone’s perspective, because let’s be real here), and how receiving is just a natural state of their existence. This is where you might start to question yourself, if you want to live the rest of your life “surviving” or “living”? 

The acceptance of the fact that it’s your birthright to receive abundance of all sorts, not just financial, but also emotional, familial, professional, etc. “receive”, here being the key word. All the experiences you may have been through, either thought you how to give, worse, over-give and feel depleted, or go-get-it yourself which even if it wasn’t much of a problem (uk, part of being self-reliant) yet caused a deep void of lack. So, somewhere along the tiring path, you forgot what “receiving” even meant, which eventually caused an imbalance, even a sense of rejection of your own inner divinity. 

Healing this wounded part of your soul, becomes crucial going ahead in life, since one could only go so far bleeding their heart. The journey to healing your inner divine feminine can start with making small and simple adjustments to your life and (most importantly) your mindset, being:

  1. You fully accept the fact that, you DO deserve love, abundance & security. 
  2. You’re strong enough to climb the highest of mountains to reach the greatest goals & treasures ever possible, but you can & are safe to rely on others to help you along the way.
  3. Making sure that everyone who wishes to be a part of your life, to respect your need for healthy boundaries, without feeling the guilt/doubt affecting your self-confidence because you are fully aware of what you bring to the table.
  4. You are unapologetic in setting high standards both for yourself and the people/surroundings/experiences you allow into your life. 
  5. You deserve a life of give-and-take, relationships (of all kinds) that help you thrive and grow, with a happy-ending potential, because even Unconditional love without reciprocity & effort is just unrequited.
  6. No matter what your professional/personal goals are, you accept success just as easily as you know how to humbly accept failures & disappointments.
  7. You become familiar with your own self, inside-out and you are comfortable easing into your sensuality.
  8. You take good care of yourself, body-mind-soul; healthy choices & practices, pampering yourself, patient & calm, resting & relaxing, enjoying the finer things in life.
  9. You no longer participate in petty (may be even vulgar) situations and are actively making an effort into being in serene, peaceful environments/situations/relationships, where love, trust and prosperity is reciprocated.
  10. Truly believing that, You ARE Abundant, and everything that is meant for you comes to you with ease. You become comfortable in your goddess energy; benevolent, compassionate and abundant.
  11. Most of all, you allow yourself to receive.

This journey will require you to overcome your own self-doubts, years of disappointments & sorrow, most of all being true to yourself. It can be a painful & repetitive process, but the purge will be well-worth it. You might fall, doubt your journey, but you’ll also love yourself more than ever, years from now, with all the rewards & positivity that comes along with your healing. 🥰

Natal Chart x Master List ☁️✨0

All the links to posts on placements, retrogrades, mythology and other fundamentals of Natal Chart. (The List will be regularly updated with each new post...)

Natal Chart x Master List 🌩️✨1

All the links to other Ascendant (Asc) / Midheaven (MC) / North Node (NN) Aspects of Natal Chart.

Tags: Divine Feminine EnergyDivine FemininityHealing FemininitySpiritual Journey

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