Natal Mercury and Midheaven MC Aspects Sextile Trine Conjunct Inconjunct Quincunx Opposite Square

Mercury Square Midheaven MC

 Your intellect is your biggest asset and the occasional cause of your public downfall. 

 Your career/public life greatly benefits from your active communication.

 You may be impulsive yet curious, distracted yet informative. 

 There is however a tendency to speak before proofreading the facts which will be criticized by others often.

 You are amazing at learning new and interesting subjects which will help you in intellectual settings.

 There may be many issues from the past that affect your view of future & the way you approach your career path.

 You might be torn between many career prospects before choosing “one” (or changing to another later on), usually these choices are affected by your past experiences and future expectations. 

 It is however advised not to take on more work than necessary since there may be a tendency to get bored/distracted easily which may land you in trouble professionally. 

 If Mercury is Conjunct Ascendant/Descendant, it is advised not to be impulsive while making important decisions and to be conscious about how you present your words so as not to cause any misunderstandings or offence. 

 Over-active imagination and curiosity, or lack of excitement in life may lead to depression and/or other mental health issues which may need a change in routines/perspective/meditations etc.

 You may frequently face delays or problems relating to long distance travels.

 Your career/public life will be immensely rewarding only when you pay attention to the facts and speak with the utmost confidence. 

Mercury Opposite Midheaven MC (Conjunct IC)

 You are Playful, intellectual, and Active.

☍ You might have had a colorful childhood and family life.

☍ Your ideologies may have been greatly influenced by one of your parents during your childhood.

☍ The same might apply for being encouraged to improve your talents.

☍ You are the kind of person who doesn’t take anything at face-value and would rather question everything before coming to a set-conclusion.

☍ You can easily express your emotions through words, which gives you an endearing personality.

☍ You might also be quite popular/well known in your hometown/community/family/country.

☍ You make an amazing motivational speaker since you are always in-touch with your emotions, and you learn from your past experiences.

☍ Although you must be careful since sometimes you can easily slip into holding grudges or not letting go of the past playing like a broken record.

☍ Your career can easily thrive due to your friendly and intellectual personality. 

Mercury Inconjunct/Quincunx Midheaven MC

There may be a tendency to doubt/reject one’s own intellectual importance while in the public’s view (or vice versa, of feeling intellectually rejected/doubted by others) with this aspect.

Since childhood, you might have grown up learning from elders how important career life is, which could have both excited you & created many insecurities about the future. 

You might eventually develop a strong fearful attitude towards your career path, especially in your late teens & early 20s.

You might have many Mercurial talents that can easily propel you in your career.

You will need to have more confidence in yourself and your purpose in life, no matter how anxious & deterred you may feel.

Occasional problems in expressing yourself in public settings, with a few scenarios of negative responses, however, that shouldn’t be a reason to recluse but to take these experiences as learning lessons and move forward.

You have a lot to offer, and so you will have to muster up the courage to face the world, stepping out of your comfort zone once in a while will help you grow your inner child.

Mercury Sextile Midheaven MC

✱ Your public life is greatly influenced by your intellectual talents, where you might be well-celebrated.

✱ Learning new skills and applying it to your career endeavors will always bring you many rewards.

✱ This aspect gives you a clear view of your professional purpose in life, even when/if you choose to change careers, you usually have a good plan going forward.

✱ You’re diligent, well-respected, curious, and worldly.

✱ You make an excellent motivational/public speaker.

✱ However there’s always a tendency to be extra cautious while communicating in public.

✱ Being transparent with your intentions will work in your favor without raising much suspicion. 

✱ You might enjoy popularity in your career life, with many helpful and influential people.

✱ Followed by a good professional/public standing.

✱ A lot of people may look up to you for how you can easily blend-in & mingle with all groups of people.

Mercury Trine Midheaven MC

△ Learning new skills and staying informed about the current-world situations can become one of your strong suits while communicating in professional settings, making it easier for others to appreciate your intellectual capacity.

△ This aspect helps you to handle one task at a time without letting your focus scatter. 

△ Your ability to speak with clear intentions always allows you to impress many in your professional field.

△ Popularity comes to you without trying. Ever since childhood, you could have been well-known and sought out for your many (or particular) talents/skills which give you an edge in your later years.

△ Supportive people in positions of power would love to have you by their side, for your significant influence on the public.

△ Many people, young and old alike admire you for your free-thinking and flexible personality.

△ Elders & other experienced people, especially may help you in your career endeavors and guide you through most part of it.

△ You’re Diligent and passionate, you have a keen interest in learning something new and adapting those skills effectively in your career.

△ It is important that you keep yourself busy intellectually, like indulging in hobbies and things that connect well with your inner child, since any sense of boredom can affect your professional performance.

△ You likely will enjoy a high position in society if not working for influential people, either way, with a considerable amount of respect and power.

Mercury Conjunct Midheaven MC 

 This aspect gives the person a relatively greater sense of power and resources to improve oneself, a highly captivating mental & intellectual capacity.

☌ But also, there is a greater chance of being unclear about what paths to take in life, and how to fulfil one’s purpose.

☌ You can easily involve yourself in a myriad of tasks/projects & professions (even) all at the same time, without losing the focus and precision in your work.

☌ You’re a true intellectual, an excellent communicator, especially in public settings and on-the-spot situations, you know exactly how to convey your intentions and influence different sets of crowds with ease.

☌ Boredom is however your greatest enemy, and with other aspects (like other Uranus/Neptune aspects somewhere in the chart), can lead to feelings of restlessness which may be a detriment to your mental health. 

☌ You have an insatiable appetite for learning new things, experiences & skills and career advancement(s) happen on its own.

☌ You’re Influential and so can attain a high status in society.

☌ Professional freedom is extremely important to you, since you would rather prefer to experiment with many different ideas before settling for one or few or none at all and carry on with multiple career-titles all at the same time.

☌ You can effortlessly assess a crowd and understand the situations without much context, your keen sense of self & surroundings will always help you win over any challenges.

☌ Most people may see you as lively yet cautious, child-like yet responsible. It’s hard for many to not admire your loveable personality but also be curious as to what your next move would be since you seem to have many unique interests.

☌ It is advised to take as long as you may need while completing intellectual studies (of your own interest/s), and see them through till the end, the main reason you may decide to abandon many of those researches/studies could be because you seem to think that you don’t have the time/patience to pursue further, so you may have to learn how to not let that Mercurial impulsiveness get the better of you. 

☌ There may also be a problem of being too intellectual and not much of a feeler (not calling you insensitive of course, although you sometimes come off as a little too cold and practical which may cause misunderstandings in the public’s view), hence exercising healthy self-expression will add a lot more color to your personality.

☌ This is something not many people talk about, but there may be a few disappointing situations with your family/parents who may have doubted/opposed your career choices/attitude towards professional life, with often different expectations from you (especially heightened if there are other placements/aspects that indicate the same).

Natal Chart x Master List 🌩✨ 1

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Tags: AstrologyMercury Conjunct MCMercury Inconjunct MCMercury Opposite MCMercury Quincunx MCMercury Sextile MCMercury Square MCMercury Trine MC

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