Natal Mars and Ascendant Aspects Opposite Square Quincunx Inconjunct Sextile Trine

Mars Conjunct Ascendant

☌ S E X Y

☌ Strong-personal power. Extremely independent & assertive.

☌ Super-energetic, you might also be fitness conscious. Sports and outdoorsy activities excite you immensely.

☌ Impulsiveness will get the best of you every now & then, but other times it can open the doors to some exciting adventures, there’s usually no in-between.

☌ Entrepreneurial mindset, strong leadership qualities, hardworking and passionate.

☌ Something so attractive and equally scary about you that most people can’t help but admire you (some even from a safe distance ;P)

☌ You might come off as Extremely self-confident almost egotistical, so you tend to either easily attract or repel support in varying situations.

☌ You know how to stand up for yourself, and this can lead to troublesome battles which you won’t mind fighting & winning.

☌ Extremely competitive, usually a winner but at times when you do lose, you might refuse to admit defeat.

☌ If Mars is in 12H, you may need to be extremely careful not to hold back in arguments, and the complete opposite if Mars is in 1H.

☌ Either way, diplomacy and compromise in (especially romantic) relationships can save a lot of heartbreaks and misunderstandings.

Mars Inconjunct/Quincunx Ascendant 

Healthy ways to be assertive & taking care of oneself will be constant learning experiences in your life.

Being overly helpful may put you in problematic situations, carrying others’ troubles will prove to be burdensome.

You constantly doubt your own importance in social settings. 

Self-confidence is something you will have to actively work towards, since there is nothing wrong with choosing oneself before lending a helping hand to others.

You hold a lot of potential inside you, which will eventually seek you out on its own. 

All you have to do is, trust in yourself, and keep moving forward with confidence, which will be another (painful yet) important lesson throughout your life.

Mars Sextile Ascendant

✱ One of the few aspects involving Mars that gives one a fiery personality but doesn’t burn others with all that intensity.

✱ Independent, energetic strong-willed, Success-driven.

✱ Extremely Attractive, in all kinds of relationships & partnerships.

✱ Exercises & involvement in sports of any kind that adds to your muscle strength (even if it’s just being active) will also add to your physical attractiveness & personal aura.

✱ Extremely loyal, you will fight for your loved ones, no questions asked.

✱ Although, compromise may be a bit of a problem since you have a strong independent spirit.

✱ Quite impulsive, especially when involved in your passions.

✱ You must be cautious, since sometimes you could be distracted from the main goals.

✱ Brave & Opinionated, these Martian-qualities usually adds to your popularity.

Mars Square Ascendant

□ Raw passionate energy.

□ Popular for being both courageous and abrasive, also sexy in an intense way.

□ You can be a Great leader, but your intensity might tick people off way more easily than motivate them, so this is always a hit or miss.

□ Every word you speak and every step you take seems like you are in a battle, which can be both motivating and scary to others.

□ You may be quite tactless while expressing yourself, resulting in misunderstands and even aggression.

□ Frequent troubles in private and public relations. Quite chaotic in dealing with since they are quite important to you, but you don’t know how to resolve such situations most of the time.

□ Your confrontational nature usually comes in handy while fighting for the people & causes that you love. 

□ You are the best while you are working on your passions. Your aggressive drive for your passions can light a fire in others’ hearts easily.

□ Personal Relationships may suffer from lack of compromise and timely expression of true feelings.

Mars Trine Ascendant

 Straight-forward, strong-willed, energetic and confident.

 Sexy in a subtle way.

 Quite popular with little to less negative attention.

 A go-getter, you are success-driven, you usually have fun in competitive environments which will keep you motivated and humble.

 Your friendly and welcoming personality will win over a lot of people.

 You are good with expressing your intensity in a healthy way without offending others even by mistake.

 Sports and physical activities will help you stay motivated & spend all that Martian excess energy in a productive way.

 There is however a need to actively involve yourself in activities that will help you expend your excess energy, be it physical or mental, since trine energy can make one lethargic and lose track of one’s goals now & then and being physically active can negate the side-effects of an otherwise positive aspect.

Mars Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant)

☍ Extremely attractive, passionate, and bold.

☍ You have a Strong personal character, you’re not one to be messed with.

☍ You are friendly and compromising (but only) until confronted unfairly.

☍ A big social circle, with many friends and associates.

☍ If Mars is in 7H, this can mean many love-at-first-sight moments (on either your side or the others’). 

☍ Also indecisiveness may lead to impulsiveness, finding a balance between the two will become a vital part of your learning experience.

☍ If Mars is in 6H, this can mean a productive-competitive work environment(s) (but with secret sometimes openly troublesome attacks, enemies.)

☍ A lot of people may be attracted to you (even in non-romantic ways). But just as easily, a lot of people may hate you (usually for no-reason).

☍ Most people might mistake your friendly yet assertive nature to be arrogant (even when it’s not) and may make wrong assumptions about you, sometimes leading to unnecessary confrontations.

☍ You might have to face many battles due to simple misunderstandings usually from others’ side. So, this aspect can indicate that you enjoy a chaotic yet an eventful social life.

Natal Chart x Master List 🌩✨ 1

All the links to other Ascendant (Asc) / Midheaven (MC) / North Node (NN) Aspects of Natal Chart

Natal Chart x Master List ☁️✨0

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Tags: AstrologyMars Conjunct AscendantMars Inconjunct AscendantMars Opposite AscendantMars Quincunx AscendantMars Sextile AscendantMars Square AscendantMars Trine Ascendant

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