Natal Saturn in Aquarius 11th House Generation Placement

Natal Saturn in Aquarius (11th House) Generation ⭐️✨

Saturn in his sign/house of ruler ship can feel at home in Aquarius/11th house. You have a humble persona. You might even be quite spiritual in the way you view life and your journey. There may be a sense of loneliness that never seems to leave you even when amongst your peers and family. There may have been many disappointing events in your life relating to your family members or friends & acquaintances. You choose your close circle very carefully, since you look for quality over quantity. As a result, you might have a very few people that you truly trust in a sea of acquaintances and friends. Your friendships can last a lifetime. There may be envy or secret enmity with your siblings, either from them or towards them. You might even feel responsible to lead your family in your adulthood (especially if you’re the eldest) as head of the family or to be a prominent figure that everyone looks up to. You might not have been surrounded by many people or felt distant from your family and friends early on in your life. You might even prefer to be alone and unbothered by big responsibilities. 

You are a born leader, yet you might not acknowledge it until you have proven to yourself with your own merits. Others may instantly recognize your leadership skills and wish to seek your guidance, which at first might make you uncomfortable. Affection and attention may come to you easily, but you reject it, or you might be eager to be recognized and admired but you have to face a lot of obstacles to prove yourself, either way, the path to success is hard yet worth all the effort with this placement. You might not like to interact with others a lot and so you hold yourself back most of the time, but you will be able to open up slowly with time. You might be eccentric and have strong beliefs which can cause a lot of strife in your relationships with others, especially with elders. You are a rebel with a cause, and you are unapologetic about it. You can gain favor from elders and people in positions of power for your maturity and potential. You might even have friends and acquaintances who are elder than you, or you might look up to people who are wiser and more mature. 

You might also have trouble trusting yourself with big ambitions. You might have a hard time envisioning your future, even when you do, you might have a whole new world of fears to face. You hate procrastination but you might not know how to take the first step forward sometimes with fears rendering you feeling helpless. Your dreams and aspirations may need your faith, but you might struggle to find hope in the future (especially if there are other placements and aspects indicating the same). This can easily spiral you into darkness and a feeling of nothingness if you’re not careful. Depression and other mental health issues may even become a threat to your well-being. Your inner dialogues will need to be positive since your thought patterns and self-talk can dictate the course of your life with Saturn here, it's all the more important that you are being optimistic yet realistic in your approach. When used responsibly, this placement can help you manifest your wildest dreams and reach your biggest ambitions. Your work ethic and methodical planning can even help you make unimaginable achievements. You might also have to be careful not to be over critical of others just the way it is important to not be over-critical of yourself. 

You might pride yourself for your intelligence but downplay your ability to take decisive actions sometimes, or you might downplay your intelligence and jump into things prematurely, both of which can lead to more disappointments. Success to you is a must, since you are always holding yourself up to a high standard, although you might have to be careful not to hold yourself up to impossibly high standards. Since hyper-perfectionism can cause setbacks in your progress and even dwindle your enthusiasm in the long run. You might be studious (even if not in formal education), you have many interests and indulge in them frequently. You might even wish to escape to your own world of dreams if you could. This can also be one of your biggest inspirations, you work hard to make your aspirations and dreams a reality, making you a great visionary. You might be very keen to help with social issues and contribute to world peace. You might be able to gather people and resources for such noble causes with your exceptional people skills and reliable personality.

You envision a better world, with many innovative and groundbreaking ideas. You will however have to make sure that your visions are built on practical expectations. Since, you can easily get carried away with futuristic dream worlds and aim higher than possible at the present moment, sometimes you might even over-pressure yourself to attain such goals that may need a lot of time and planning (if even realistically feasible). When you do arrive at practical and innovative solutions to complex problems, you might end up making big contributions to the society, science & technology, medicine, etc. Your business acumen can also make you an effective boss/leader. Monetary ambitions can gain you a lot of wealth and recognition in the long run, with initial delays or disappointments. You might aim big and land even farther or shorter, regardless, Aquarian/11th House’s risk-taking tendencies may either prove to be a blessing or a bane accordingly. You might even work your way up the ladder to significant positions in time. 

You will have to learn how to be flexible with your plans and take precise decisions, since there may be sudden improvements and decrements that come as tests. Popularity can be long-lasting, and you might be well respected by many generations for your successes and contributions. With maturity and diligence, you might be able to attain stardom if that is one of your ambitions, which most will deem well-deserved. Your eccentric yet relatable personality can win others’ hearts. Others may look up to you for your sincerity and wisdom. Being fair and truthful are your karmic duties with this placement. Otherwise, ill-intentions can get you a bad reputation that may be harder to coverup or change even with all the good deeds, money and power. You might be able to accumulate generational wealth, power and great reputation as a result of your transparent and authentic personality. You can hold significant influence on others (the world even) with your words and intentions. Hence, Saturn here will always make sure to hold you responsible for your actions. 

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Tags: AstrologyNatal Saturn in 11th HouseNatal Saturn in AquariusNatal Saturn Placements

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